Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I rented this movie few days ago and i thought it was interesting. I never know of this movie before and it is about Long houses, Ibans in Sarawak. And Jessica Alba played an iban character called Selima... wow hot!! That is one hot Ibans!

The movie took place in the 1920's where a young British officer (Hugh Dancy) journeys to a remote jungle outpost in Sarawak. He encounters some unusual local customs that is a beautiful young woman is assigned to ostensibly tutor him in the native language, but it becomes clear that she is some kind of army-allotted concubine (this was the part i was like hmm especially when Jessica was saying "i sleep you" hahaha when they were first met and being introduced). When the officer falls in love with the woman, both the military and the local tribe are thrown into turmoil (well not that literally). Well to cut short, they didnt end up together as Hugh was back to England and married. But he was back to Sarawak and as you can predict, they met again and all was reignited. You want to know the story, go and see it yourself! hahaha... but it thought it was nice and decent movie. Hmm let me be careful with the word decent as you can see Jessica's breast (unless it was stand-in, no idea). And that part was so hillarious when she was translating all to Hugh... Hugh was like "Breast" and Jessica was like "susu...susu" moaning! hahaha....

But it was nice movie when you have nothing else to watch i think and in mood of something soapy!

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