Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh i just wanna comment on this... i wrote or message a person on FB... and i was thanking for adding...
Me - Tnxs ya
Person - Welcome...
Me - So how ur day?
Person - ?? Jgn la speaking saya x tau

I was like huh... with the ?? to me... are you that blur... okay fair enough your english may not be good but it was just simple... how ur day... jawap ok jer... i replied... saya tanya hari awak macammana...

what make me think was that let say in malay... Takkan la tak pernah study simple english kat sekulah... teruk sangat ker Pelajaran English kat Malaysia ne? benda simple like that also cant reply to. Tak faham.... aiyo... cant be that bad huh! I did say maybe i was ignorant... i mean come on FB bukan main itu ini... simple mcm tu tak faham tak reti la! I am so blessed i think... i may not know mandarin, tagalog or spanish or japanese or korean but i think so far i have no pblem... thank god!

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