Sunday, October 26, 2008

It is about 2am now, i am still up. I thought i go through my work again well what else.. my thesis and trying to find more article on norms of STAI, the malay version. Did email few people and so far no luck! I just realised how some people is so stingy to share. I must salute the author of PSQI as just one email and i got all done! Prof Danial Buysse is so brilliant! Things like this at times make you think how hard to work with your own people.. my previous study few years back i did email Prof Sharbany, for her permission to use her intimacy friendship scale, and she was a lovely lady as well, she was so helpful and even helped with my write-up! and she was from Israel! My current study, hmm its Malaysia and damn hard! no offence people! Just a frustration!
Anyhow... i felt good just now as i went to Highgate and played monopoly, it has been a while we played. I won hahaah... good strategy! ahaha... and the feeling was good as it been a while i hang out with them... good to have the old group back... Euan, Syubb there... Rai, Preiti, Alvin, Belinda, Dixson and Natalie... the good old times feel! I was glad and happy for that.... and i got some movies from Euan as well, i just realised that lately i am dry on new movies! hahaha.... I will watch Heroes season 2 as i missed almost all... as on Tv now its season 3... i knw i can still watch it but still i prefer to watch season 2 before the latest one...
And well... i am hoping to read some novels soon.... maybe the novel by Stephanie Meyer! and see what all the hype is all about!!

1 comment:

conie said...

played monopoly again?!
I miss board games =)